If you have an Asbestos roof, your insurances cost will be massive!

OKAY! So now I got your attention! Yep, insurance companies are now punishing people with asbestos roofs. This does not just mean commercial asbestos roofs which are plentiful in Sydney but they are now passing massive premiums onto residential asbestos roof owners.


If the house burns down the asbestos roof sheeting turns to a friable situation meaning has the ability to turn to dust. This in itself involves an A class removalist which literally needs to bubble the house and remove all effected areas of the asbestos roof sheeting until swab tests come back to prove that the contaminate has been eliminates. BIG CLEAN UP! BIG $$$$$$

This is forcing commerical warehouse owners with asbestos roof sheeting & and owner occupiers with a similar asbestos roof sheeting to have it removed by a licenced asbestos removal sydney company to save thousands per year in premium costs. In some cases 3 years of premiums with asbestos in situ would be the cost of the replacement today.

Our advice would be to crack on and get it done asap! And if you ever sell the property it would have appreciated purely because the asbestos contaminate has been eliminated with a clearance certificate to prove removal was done succesfully.

The benefits of the removal far outweight having the asbestos stay connected to the property. If you need a no obligation quote to remove your asbestos just reach out!

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