Does Asbestos Kill You?

Asbestos is known for a number of lung diseases. Cancer is the main offender, with mesothelioma lung cancer, plus non-malignant lung diseases such as asbestosis.

Hundreds die every year from asbestos-related disease.

Those people that have died usually have had long term exposure such as working in the mines, factories etc however some cases are now pouring in for those individuals that had a trade in building houses.

You see asbestos is a firbre that is most harmful when breathed into the lungs either via the nose or mouth. The micro fibres lodge themselves into the lungs and there lies the problem. The bonus inability to filter them through and pass them out.

There is no cure thus far and we see the problem only getting worse as more cases emerge.

So does asbestos kill you? YES!

Does that mean because you own a house that has asbestos in it you are going to die? NO

Asbestos sheeting only becomes an issue when broken. This exposes the fibres that cause the health issues.



Do you have a garage which contains asbestos sheeting or an asbestos roof? Has rain, sun & hail damaged the integrity of the sheeting?


If it is more than 20 years old the sheets may be brittle and ready for removal. If they have big dirty old cracks in them then it’s time to replace all sheeting. If you are unsure just give The Strip Out Kings Asbestos Removal a call and we can either give you a verdict via the eye or test a piece to see what kind of asbestos the sheets contain. We cover all Asbestos Removal In Sydney


All house contain eaves and we usually remove eaves when the client is renovating or extending the house as most builders do not want to touch them. The eaves usually fair better than the garage as they are less exposed to the sun, rain etc


If you are extending or renovating and the eaves pose as an issue then just give us a buzz and we shall pop over and remove in a very safe manner. Remember we cover all Asbestos Removal In Sydney


We get lot’s of call from home owners who have removed some tiles in their bathroom only to discover that they have disturbed the asbestos sheeting behind the tiles.


Get some spray paint or craft glue and cover the area and give us a call so we may assess how we can help you move forward.

So I guess if you treat asbestos with respect then you will avoid expose by calling the experts who deal with this every day. Your Asbestos Removal In Sydney specialists

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